Geografting Tutorial — Freebie!

GeoGrafting Freebie

Just when you thought it was safe to go in the water again, you discover that there’s more that lurks beneath the surface than you ever imagined.

We are proud to present the first Meshology Freebie: a tutorial about geografting!
The video will show you what is required to use this extremely useful feature, how to set it up, and how to avoid some of the most common pitfalls.

Continue reading “Geografting Tutorial — Freebie!”

Welcome to Meshology

… and The Study of Digital Art, or more precisely, the study and creation of 3D digital art.

At Meshology we have an international roster of digital artists who create content, texture it, rig it, create scenes or stories with it, animate it, in short, are the “Frankensteins” of the digital art world by breathing life into inanimate creations.

This site is purely for informational purposes for the new products, tutorials and information that Meshology creates and provides either through our YouTube Channel at YouTube Meshology, or sold through our store front.

There is no opportunity for you to subscribe, leave a comment, send a suggestion or otherwise correspond through this site.

This decision was made purely to allow us to put our time where it best serves our clientele… creating quality tutorials and product. As a small company it’s time consuming to monitor all the different social networks available without taking valuable time away from producing our content, so we made the decision to utilize the resources that most people seemed to prefer.

Therefore, we have decided to conduct all our correspondence through our Meshology Facebook account or the Meshology YouTube Channel.

We hope you like our new look and embrace our philosophy. We look forward to spending more time creating tutorials and product we know will interest you.